How set up m3u list on “SS-IPTV”
You can use it as SMART IPTV alternative .
Method 1
Uploading by link (external playlists)
To upload user playlist press Settings button of the main screen.
To upload playlist by link go to Content section of the app’s settings, choose External playlists subsection and click Add button bellow the screen. Enter desired playlist’s title and the link of your playlist in corresponding fields and press Save button. The playlist will be available on the Main Screen trhough separeta tile.
Method 2
Uploading with non-permanent access code (internal playlists)
Press Settings button of the main screen.
go to General subsection of the app’s settings and pres Get code button. Non-permanent code can be used only 24 hours (or till new code is generated)
Enter received code in :
press Add Device button